682 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Strategies for Universities With Bring Your Own Device Programs

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    The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon has proliferated, making its way into different business and educational sectors and enabling multiple vectors of attack and vulnerability to protected data. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) security professionals working in a university setting use to secure an environment to support BYOD in a university system. The study population was comprised of IT security professionals from the University of California campuses currently managing a network environment for at least 2 years where BYOD has been implemented. Protection motivation theory was the study\u27s conceptual framework. The data collection process included interviews with 10 IT security professionals and the gathering of publicly-accessible documents retrieved from the Internet (n = 59). Data collected from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with the publicly-accessible documents to identify major themes. Thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo 12 Plus was used to identify 4 themes: the ubiquity of BYOD in higher education, accessibility strategies for mobile devices, the effectiveness of BYOD strategies that minimize risk, and IT security professionals\u27 tasks include identifying and implementing network security strategies. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing the number of users informed about cybersecurity and comfortable with defending their networks against foreign and domestic threats to information security and privacy. These changes may mitigate and reduce the spread of malware and viruses and improve overall cybersecurity in BYOD-enabled organizations

    Cybersecurity Strategies for Universities With Bring Your Own Device Programs

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    The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon has proliferated, making its way into different business and educational sectors and enabling multiple vectors of attack and vulnerability to protected data. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) security professionals working in a university setting use to secure an environment to support BYOD in a university system. The study population was comprised of IT security professionals from the University of California campuses currently managing a network environment for at least 2 years where BYOD has been implemented. Protection motivation theory was the study\u27s conceptual framework. The data collection process included interviews with 10 IT security professionals and the gathering of publicly-accessible documents retrieved from the Internet (n = 59). Data collected from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with the publicly-accessible documents to identify major themes. Thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo 12 Plus was used to identify 4 themes: the ubiquity of BYOD in higher education, accessibility strategies for mobile devices, the effectiveness of BYOD strategies that minimize risk, and IT security professionals\u27 tasks include identifying and implementing network security strategies. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing the number of users informed about cybersecurity and comfortable with defending their networks against foreign and domestic threats to information security and privacy. These changes may mitigate and reduce the spread of malware and viruses and improve overall cybersecurity in BYOD-enabled organizations

    Optimality conditions in terms of Bouligand generalized differentials for a nonsmooth semilinear elliptic optimal control problem with distributed and boundary control pointwise constraints

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    We prove a novel optimality condition in terms of Bouligand generalized differentials for a local minimizer of optimal control problems governed by a nonsmooth semilinear elliptic partial differential equation with both distributed and boundary unilateral pointwise control constraints, in which the nonlinear coefficient in the state equation is not differentiable at one point. Therefore, the Bouligand subdifferential of this nonsmooth coefficient in every point consists of one or two elements that will be used to construct the two associated Bouligand generalized derivatives of the control-to-state operator in any admissible control. We also establish the optimality conditions in the form of multiplier existence. There, in addition to the existence of the adjoint state and of the nonnegative multipliers associated with the pointwise constraints as usual, other nonnegative multipliers exist and correspond to the nondifferentiability of the control-to-state mapping. The latter type of optimality conditions shall be applied to the optimal control problems without distributed and boundary pointwise constraints to derive the so-called \emph{strong} stationarity conditions, where the sign of the associated adjoint state does not vary on the level set of the corresponding optimal state at the value of nondifferentiability.Comment: 33 page

    The role of environmental, social, and governance responsibilities and economic development on achieving the SDGs: evidence from BRICS countries

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    Sustainable development goal (SDG) achievement has gained increasing trend due to the current economic uncertainty that demands the attention of scholars, practitioners, and regulators. Hence, the study examines the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities and economic development such as economic growth, net national income and FDI on the SDG achievements in BRICS countries. The secondary data is considered for the study which was collected from various resources like SDG reports published by the united nation and World Bank Indicators (WDI) from 1991 to 2020. The current research has checked them without structural breaks stationarity using Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, Phillips–Perron (PP) test, and Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS), while stationarity with structural breaks has been examined using the ‘zivot-andrews’ test. The study also employed the ARDL technique to verify the association among the constructs. The findings revealed that ESG responsibilities, economic growth, net national income, FDI, and inflation positively correlate with SDG achievements in BRICS countries. This article provides help to the regulators while making policies related the SDG achievemen

    Bayesian Nonparametric Multilevel Clustering with Group-Level Contexts

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    We present a Bayesian nonparametric framework for multilevel clustering which utilizes group-level context information to simultaneously discover low-dimensional structures of the group contents and partitions groups into clusters. Using the Dirichlet process as the building block, our model constructs a product base-measure with a nested structure to accommodate content and context observations at multiple levels. The proposed model possesses properties that link the nested Dirichlet processes (nDP) and the Dirichlet process mixture models (DPM) in an interesting way: integrating out all contents results in the DPM over contexts, whereas integrating out group-specific contexts results in the nDP mixture over content variables. We provide a Polya-urn view of the model and an efficient collapsed Gibbs inference procedure. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the advantage of utilizing context information via our model in both text and image domains.Comment: Full version of ICML 201

    Estimation of Above-Ground Mangrove Biomass Using Landsat-8 Data- Derived Vegetation Indices: A Case Study in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam

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    This study aimed to map the status of mangrove forests over the coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City in Quang Ninh Province by using 2019 Landsat-8 imagery. It then developed the AGB estimation model of mangrove forests based on the AGB estimation-derived plots inventory and vegetation indices-derived from Landsat-8 data. As results, there were five land covers identified, including mangrove forests, other vegetation, wetlands, built-up, and water, with the overall accuracy assessments of 80.0% and Kappa coefficient of 0.74. The total extent of mangrove forests was estimated at 4291.2 ha. The best AGB estimation model that was selected to estimate the AGB and AGC of mangrove forests for the whole coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City is AGB= 30.38 + 911.95*SAVI (R2=0.924, PValue <0.001). The model validation assessment has confirmed that the selected AGB model can be applied to Hai Ha and Mong Cai coasts with the mean difference between AGB observed and AGB predicted at 16.0 %. This satisfactory AGB model also suggests a good potential for AGB and AGC mapping, which offer the carbon trading market in the study site. As the AGB model selected, the total AGB and AGC of mangrove forests were estimated at about 14,600,000 tons and 6,868,076 tons with a range of from 94.0 - 432.0 tons ha-1, from 44.2 - 203.02 tons ha-1, respectively. It also suggests that the newly-developed AGB model of mangrove forests can be used to estimate AGC stocks and carbon sequestration of mangrove forests for C-PFES in over the coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City, which is a very importantly financial source for mangrove forest managers, in particular for local mangrove protectors

    Impacts of pollution discharges from Dinh Vu industrial zone on water quality in the Hai Phong coastal area

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    The hydrodynamic and water quality models (the Delft3D model) were established based on the measured data and the estimated pollution discharges from Dinh Vu industrial zones to Nam Trieu estuary. With seven separate simulation scenarios, the results show that in case of increased wastewater with the control of pollution discharge (water and concentration), the impact of pollution is only limited to a small area around the discharge point. Their influences on water quality in other areas in Nam Trieu estuary are quite small. Meanwhile, in case of environmental risk, a strongly increasing pollution load would cause the significantly increasing pollutant concentration in this area, they have almost exceeded the value in the National Technical Regulation on surface water quality (QCVN 10-MT:2015/BTNMT), such as NH4, COD, and BOD. Dissolved oxygen in the water would also decrease significantly. The spatial influence extends from the discharge point to Nam Trieu estuary, inside Cam, Bach Dang rivers, and Cat Hai coastal area

    Impact of sea level rise on current and wave in Van Uc coastal area

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    This paper presents the results of analysis, comparison of some characteristics of current, wave at Van Uc estuary area when being affected by sea level rise due to climate change based on Delft3D model. Scenario groups are established: The current scenario and the scenarios simulating effect of sea level rise 0.5 m and 1.0 m. The results of calculation and simulation show that the velocity values change locally when sea level rises: Rise in the northern and southern areas (0.2–5 cm/s); decrease in the navigation channel (0.6–30 cm/s). Sea level rise causes the increase of wave height in the coastal area (13.5–43.8% in the dry season and 20–40% in the rainy season) and fewer changes in the outer area
